Friendly Reminder – 8


For my last Lifestyle post click Be Yourself

For my last Quote post click Friendly Reminder – 7

Friendly Reminder – 7


For my last Lifestyle post click What is beauty?

For my last Quote post click Friendly Reminder – 4

Friendly Reminder – 6


For my last Lifestyle post click Push Yourself

For my last Quote post click Friendly Reminder – 5

Friendly Reminder – 5


For my last post click Life is all about taking a break

For my last Quote post click Friendly Reminder – 4

Life is all about taking a break

Hello to all my lovely readers! And to anyone who is new; welcome to my little space on the internet. This space was created for a good old fashioned read without the obvious pages of a book; a 21st century space for people to let their imagination take over after dealing with the reality of life during the rest of the day.

This does not mean I claim to have motivated people to suddenly start reading. No. I just wanted to show what they were missing. A balance if you will. Reading has brought me so much joy and solace for as far as I can remember, that I wanted to be able to share that with everyone who was willing.

This blog was probably one of the best things I have arguably done this year. I am not trying to be vain; just proud and happy that I can write what I want, when I want and look back and remember the exact emotion and memory that prompted a particular blog post. But ….. (there is always a catch!!..)

I write to share. We share on social media and other platforms so that other people also see it; read it and in turn, share it to their connections. Everything we do is related to sharing. We keep giving and giving part of ourselves and our lives; and frankly ….. I need to give some time for me ! Selfish, I know. But when all you do is worry about what other people think; you stop living life for yourself. It’s all about the little things. A hiatus to stop worrying about the blog, the student / work life, the number of followers on every site …the list goes on! Real connections- my family, my friends are the ones I needed to work on. To show them how much I value them. How much I value myself; no reason to overwork and stop having fun!

Sometimes, you need to step away from something for a more rational perspective. So if you are feeling overwhelmed; worry not. Switch off those pesky applications and start communicating. Actually go and have conversations with people which do no involve technology. Go to your happy place with ‘your people’.

Eventually you will come back. How can you not in this tech savvy world?.. But till then you can imagine being a hermit without having to physically transport yourself to a mountain top or a cave in a forest. (..though that works as well!)

For my last post click A Walk Through

For my last Storytime post click Hope
